# 第二十章 副词从句简化之二

简化从句是比较复杂的句型。因为它有精简、浓缩的特色,也是修辞效果相当好的句型。其中又以副词从句的简化最为复杂。上一章探讨了副词从句简化为 Ving 形式的变化,本章继续探讨副词从句简化的其他变化。

# 简化为 Ven

从属从句简化的共同原则是省略主语与 be 动词。副词从句中如果原本是被动态(be+Ven),那么简化之后没有了 be 动词,就会成为 Ven 的形态。例如:

  • After he was shot in the knee 副词从句, he couldn't fight. (膝盖中枪后,他就不能作战了。)

例句中副词从句的主语 he 与主要从句的主语相同,可以简化。省去主语与 be 动词后,不再需要连接词,成为:

  • Shot in the knee 简化副词从句, he couldn't fight.

# 一、是否保留连接词

上例中连接词 after 可以不留,因为 shot 是过去分词,本身就表示“已经中枪”、“中枪之后”,已有完成式的暗示,因而不再需要 after 一词。但下面的例子则不同:

  • Although he was shot in the knee 副词从句, he killed three more enemy soldiers. (虽然膝盖中枪,他仍多杀了三名敌军。)

句中连接词 although 带有“相反”的暗示,省去后意思会有出入,应该予以保留:

  • Although shot in the knee 简化副词从句, he killed three more enemy soldiers.

或者,如果省略 although 的话,也必须用其他方式来表示句中的“相反”暗示,例如:

  • Shot in the knee, he still killed three more enemy soldiers.

# 二、三个特殊的连接词

另外,连接词如果要留下来,要注意一点:before、after、since 这三个连接词也可以当介系词用。如果其中任何一个出现在简化从句中,由于没有了主语、动词,这个连接词就得当介系词看待,亦即:后面要接名词。例如:

  • Before it was redecorated 副词从句, the house was in bad shape. (这栋房子重新装潢之前状况很糟。)

副词从句简化之后,连接词 before 不能省略,否则意思会不同,成为:

  • Redecorated, the house was in bad shape.

因为过去分词 redecorated 有完成的暗示,上面这句的意思是“重新装潢后,这栋房子状况很糟。”若要维持原意,则连接词 before 不能省略。但是,before 是可以当介系词使用的连接词,留下来又会有问题:

  • Before redecorated, the house was in bad shape. (误)

上句的错误在于 before 此时是介系词,后面却只有形容词类的 redecorated,造成语法错误。修改的办法是改变 redecorated 的词性。若要保留它的被动态,就不能作词尾的词类变化,只能在前面加 being 来作词类变化:

  • Before being redecorated 简化副词从句, the house was in bad shape.

be 动词是没有内容的字眼。在此加上 being 一词,纯粹是因应词类变化的需求:用动名词词尾的 -ing 来变成名词,以符合 before 介系词的要求。另外,以这个例子而言,忽略 redecorated 的被动态,改成名词 redecoration,意思仍不失清楚:

  • Before redecoration 介系词短语, the house was in bad shape.

除了 before 以外,after 和 since 这两个连接词如需保留,也都要注意词类的问题。

# 三、如何应用 having been

许多学习者对 having been 颇觉困扰。在此用一个例子来说明它的用法:

  1. Because they had been warned 副词从句, they proceeded carefully. (因为已经得到警告,他们就很小心地进行。)

简化这个句子里的副词从句时,主语 they 当然可以先省掉。动词 had been warned 有两种处理方式。 be 动词固然没有内容,可以省略,但是 had been 是 be 动词的完成式,有“已经……”的意味。如果要保留下来,就得先把 had been 改成分词类的 having been,成为:

  1. Having been warned 简化副词从句, they proceeded carefully.

另外,如果忽略例 1 中 had been 的完成式内容,把整个 be 动词的完成式视同一般的 be 动词,随主语一起省略,就可以把例 1 简化为:

  1. Warned 简化副词从句, they proceeded carefully.

这个句子中,warned 一字是过去分词,本身就具有完成的暗示(表示“已经”受到警告),所以把 had been 省略并不影响句意。

如果把例 2 和例 3 两句比较一下,当可发现:having been 后面如果跟的是过去分词,那么即使把 having been 省略,在语法上同样正确(因为例 2 的 having… 和例 3 的 warned 同属分词,词类相同),而且在意思上也相同。因为例 2 的 having been 是表达“已经” 的意思,而例 3 里的 warned 同样表达了“已经”的意思。所以,having been 后面如果跟的是过去分词,就可省略,不会有任何影响。

# 四、主语不同时

副词从句简化为 Ven,如果主语和主要从句的主语不同,就得把主语留下来,不得省略。例如:

  • When the coffin had been interred 副词从句, the minister said a few comforting words. (棺材入土后,牧师说了几句安慰的话。)


  • (Having been) interred, the minister said a few comforting words. (误)


  • The coffin (having been) interred 简化副词从句, the minister said a few comforting words.

# 五、简化为 to V

如果原来的副词从句中有语气助动词(can、should、must 之类),带有不确定语气,简化之后就会成为不定词。例如:

  • He studied hard in order that he could get a scholarship 副词从句. (他用功读书,为的是要拿奖学金。)

副词从句的动词 could get 并不表示拿到了奖学金,只是想要拿,带有不确定语气。这时就可简化为不定词。从前提过,所有的语气助动词都可改写为 be+to 的形状,意思不会有太大的变化。所以助动词的简化,去除了 be 动词就剩下 to,成为不定词:

  • He studied hard in order to get a scholarship 简化副词从句.


  • I'll only be too glad if I can help 副词从句. (如果帮得上忙,我非常乐意。)

副词从句中的动词 can help 有助动词在,仍是不确定语气:还没开始帮忙。简化后成为:

  • I'll only be too glad to help 简化副词从句.

副词从句中凡有助动词存在,简化的结果都是一样:连接词省略,主语如果相同亦省略,助动词拿掉 be 动词之后变成 to,所以就剩下 to V 的结果。

# 单纯的 be 动词时

如果副词从句的动词是单纯的 be 动词,后面可能是一般的名词、形容词类的补语。要简化时,首先得注意主语要和主要从句的主语相同,然后才可以把连接词留下来,省去主语和 be 动词,留下补语。例如:

# 一、介系词短语

  • When you are under attack 副词从句, you must take cover immediately. (受到攻击时,要立刻寻找掩护。)

这个副词从句的动词是 be 动词,补语是介系词短语 under attack。简化后成为:

  • When under attack 简化副词从句, you must take cover immediately.

# 二、形容词

  • While it is small in size 副词从句, the company is very competitive. (这家公司規模虽小,但很有竞争力。)

副词从句中的补语是形容词 small,简化方式相同:

  • While small in size 简化副词从句, the company is very competitive.

# 三、名词

  • Although he was a doctor by training 副词从句, Asimov became a writer. (虽然接受的是做医生的训练,但阿西莫夫后来成了作家。)

副词从句中的补语是名词 a doctor,简化后成为:

  • Although a doctor by training 简化副词从句, Asimov became a writer.

观察以上三种情形,可以作一归纳:副词从句的连接词不同于名词从句或形容词从句,是有意义的连接词,简化时常要留下来。一旦留下连接词,那么它是由副词从句简化而成这一点就十分明显。所以,拿掉主语与 be 动词后,不论什么词类的补语——名词、形容词、介系词短语——都可以留下来。不过有两点需要注意:如果连接词是 before 与 after 之类,简化后成为介系词,后面只能接名词类。另外,表示原因的连接词 because 与 sine,简化后通常不能原样留下来,要改成 because of,as a result of 之类的介系词。做法请看下面说明。

# 改为介系词短语


  • When she arrived at the party 副词从句, she found all the people gone. (她到达舞会场地时,发现人都走光了。)

与连接词 when 近似的介系词有 on 和 upon。上面的句子可以改写为:

  • Upon arriving at the party 介系词短语, she found all the people gone.

因为介系词后面只有一个宾语的空间,所以句型要大幅精简,所有重复、空洞的字眼都要删去,有意义的部分则尽量保留下来。通常可以把动词改成动名词(加 -ing),如上例的方式处理。不过也可以这样修改:

  • Upon her arrival at the party 介系词短语, she found all the people gone.

动词 arrive 直接改成名词 arrival,符合词类要求而意思不变。下面的例子就有些不同:

  • When she completed the project 副词从句, she was promoted. (她完成了这项计划,就被提升了。)


  • Upon completing the project 介系词短语, she was promoted.

可是动词 complete 如改成名词 completion,就会有问题:

  • Upon completion the project, she was promoted. (误)

错误在于 complete 的后面有宾语 the project。一旦变成名词的 completion,原来的宾语就无所归依,所以要再加介系词 of 来处理:

  • Upon completion of the project 介系词短语, she was promoted.


  • The construction work was delayed because it had been raining 副词从句. (因为一直下雨,建筑工程就耽搁了。)

上例中副词从句的连接词可以改为介系词 because of,成为:

  • The construction work was delayed because of rain 介系词短语.

副词从句中的虚主语 it,以及动词 had been 都可以省略,有意义的只有 rain 一词要留下来。再看这个例子:

  • Althought he opposed it 副词从句, the plan was carried out. (虽然他反对,这个计划还是施行了。)

例句中连接词 although 和介系词 despite 或 in spite of 意思接近,可以改为:

  • Despite his opposition 介系词短语, the plan was carried out.

副词从句中的宾语 it,其内容与主要从句重复,是多余的字眼。Although 改为介系词 Despite 后,只能接一个宾语,里面要放下 he opposed 这个部分的概念,于是将词类变化为 his opposition。再看下例:

  • If there should be a fire 副词从句, the sprinkler will be started. (万一失火,洒水器会开动。)

例句中的连接词 if 和介系词 in case of 近似。改写后,副词从句中的 there should be 这几个没有内容的词都要省略,只要把有意义的 fire 一词放进去就好:

  • In case of a fire 介系词短语, the sprinkler will be started.


  • Because (副词从句) the exam S is V only a week away C, I have no time to waste. (因为离考试只剩一个星期了,我不能再浪费时间。)

这个副词从句的主语 the exam 和主要从句主语 I 不同,不易简化,需改成介系词短语:

  • With 介系词 the exam O only a week away C, I have no time to waste.

连接词 because 改成介系词 with。原来的主语 the exam 作它的宾语。be 动词省略后,主语补语 only a week away 就成了宾语补语,完成了简化的工作。

# 结语

简化从句这个较庞大的概念,至此可告一段落。这个非常重要的观念,对于认识与写作复杂的句型有极大的帮助。为了消化这个观念,本书拟在下一章采用 sentence-combining 的方式,与读者共同将若干个单句组合成复合句,再进一步简化到只剩一个完整的从句。这样做一方面可以复习语法句型观念,一方面也是英语写作的最佳练习。读者亲自练习一下,应当会有更深一层的体验。

# Test

# 练习一

# 将下列各句中的副词从句(即画底线部分)改写为简化从句:

1. After he was told to report to his supervisor, the clerk left in a hurry.
Show Answer
2. Although he was ordered to leave, the soldier did not move an inch.
Show Answer
3. The plan must be modified before it is put into effect.
Show Answer
4. Because it had been bombed twice in the previous week, the village was a total wreck.
Show Answer
5. When all things are considered, I cannot truly say that this was an accident.
Show Answer
6. When the job was done, the secretary went home.
Show Answer
7. He took on two extra jobs so that he could feed his family.
Show Answer
8. If you are in doubt, you should look up the word in the dictionary.
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9. Because pork is so expensive, I'm buying beef instead.
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10. When we consider his handicap, he has done very well indeed.
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# 练习二

# 请选出最适当的答案填入空格内,以使句子完整。

1. __ not a big star, the actor played in hundreds of films.
He was
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2. Eisenhauer was president of Columbia University __ President of the USA.
before he becomes
before becoming
before became
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3. Gold remains stable even __ to extremely high temperatures.
when is heated
it is heated
when to heat
when heated
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4. __, the stock market crashed.
With investor confidence gone
When investor confidence gone
When investors lose confidence
With investors lost con fidence
Show Answer
5. A monkey's brain is small __ with the human brain.
when they are compared
when compare
to compare them
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6. Picasso did many of his abstract paintings __ living in Paris.
that he was
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7. __ at correct angles, diamonds reflect light brilliantly.
When carved
If it is carved
If carving
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8. __, the children gradually learned to be independent.
Because their father gone
Their father was gone
Due to their father was gone
With their father gone
Show Answer
9. She broke into tears __ the news.
upon hearing
because hearing
when heard
when she hears
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10. __ the truth, I know nothing about it.
To tell you
Telling you
I tell you
I told you
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