# 第十八章 名词从句简化

名词从句的简化与其他词类的从属从句相同,都是省略主语与 be 动词,只留下补语。因为主语与主要从句中的元素重复,或主语原本就没有明确的内容(像 someone,people 等),所以将主语省略。而省略 be 动词是因为它只是连缀动词,本身没有意义。由于省略主语与动词之后,已经不再需要连接词,所以名词从句的连接词 that 也一并省略。如果名词从句是由疑问句演变而来的,以疑问词(who、what、where 等)充当连接词,那么疑问词就要保留,因为它和 that 不同,是有意义的字眼。

名词从句简化之后,剩下来的补语有两种常见的形态:Ving 与 to V(分别称为动名词与不定词)。这两种形态都可以当名词使用,所以可以取代原先的名词从句,不会有词类上的冲突。至于第三种常见的补语 Ven(过去分词),因为是形容词,不能取代名词类的从句,所以不能使用。因此名词从句中如果是被动态(be+Ven),简化时不能只是省略 be 留下 Ven,而要在词类上进一步改造,这部分详见后述。现在分别就 Ving 与 to V 这两种补语形态来探讨名词从句的简化。

# 简化后剩下的补语是 Ving 形态时

和形容词从句简化的做法相同,如果名词从句中没有 be 动词,也没有助动词,一律把动词加上 -ing。以下就名词从句常出现的位置分别举例说明。

# 一、主语位置

  • That I drink good wine with friends S(名词从句) is V my greatest enjoyment C. (和好友一起喝美酒是我最大的享受。)

典型的名词从句是由一个直述句(如 I drink good wine with friends)外加连接词 that 而构成,表示“那件事”。上例中这个名词从句置于主要从句的主语位置当主语使用。简化的做法是省去里面的主语 I(因为主要从句中有“my” greatest enjoyment 可表示是谁在喝酒)。但因为这个名词从句没有 be 动词,也没有助动词,所以得先把它改成进行式的形态:

  • That I am drinking good wine with friends is my greatest enjoyment.

然后就可省略主语 I 与 be 动词,以及已经没有作用的连接词 that,成为较紧凑的句子:

  • Drinking good wine with friends 简化名词从句 is my greatest enjoyment.

# 二、宾语位置

# 1. 动词的宾语

  • Many husbands S enjoy V that they do the cooking O(名词从句). (许多丈夫喜欢下厨做菜。)

名词从句的主语 they 与主要从句主语 husbands 相同,所以可省略。动词是 do,没有 be 动词或助动词,所以要加上 -ing 再省略连接词,成为:

  • Many husbands enjoy doing the cooking 简化名词从句.

# 2. 介系词的宾语

  1. He S got V used C to 介系词 something O.

  2. He worked late into the night.

整个例 2 就是例 1 中 something 的内容。要把例 2 放入 something 的位置,还不能直接用名词从句 that he worked late into the night 的形式,因前面是介系词 to,不能直接放名词从句作宾语,所以例 2 一定要先行简化。做法还是将相同的主语省略,动词加上 –ing,成为:

  • He got used to working late into the night 简化名词从句. (他习惯了熬夜工作。)

# 三、补语位置

  • His favorite pastime S is V that he goes fishing on weekends C(名词从句). (他最喜欢的消遣就是周末钓鱼。)

省略名词从句的 he,动词加 -ing 而成为:

  • His favorite pastime is going fishing on weekends 简化名词从句.

# 四、主语不能省略时


# 1. 改成 S+V+O+C 的句型

但要如此修改,名词从句必须是处于宾语位置,而且主要从句的动词适用于 S+V+O+C 的句型。例如:

  • I S imagined V that a beautiful girl was singing to me O(名词从句). (我想象有个美女在对我唱歌。)

以上的名词从句中,主语是 a beautiful girl,和主要从句的主语 I 不同。如果径行简化,省略主语与 be 动词,会变成:

  • I imagined singing to myself. (我想象在对自己唱歌。)

这个句子的意思就完全不一样了。所以,要完整保留原意,名词从句的主语 a beautiful girl 不能省略,只能把 be 动词省略。在上例中恰好可以这样处理:

  • I S imagined V a beautiful girl O singing to me C.

主语 a beantiflil girl 放到宾语位置,原来的主语补语 singing to me 放在宾语补语的位置,就可顺利解决问题。原来的复句也简化为 S+V+O+C 的句型。

# 2. 用所有格来处理

  • That he calls my girlfriend every day S(名词从句) is V too much for me C. (他每天打电话给我女朋友真让我受不了。)

若径行简化名词从句的主语 he,会成为:

  • Calling my girlfriend every day S is V too much for me C. (每天打电话给我女朋友真让我受不了。)

这句的意思变成是自己不爱打电话。所以,要保留原意,名词从句的主语 he 不能省略。但 calling my girlfriend every day 取代了名词从句成为主要从句的主语,已经没有位置可安插原来的主语 he。这时可把原主语 he 改成所有格,就能放在 calling… 之前,成为:

  • His calling my girlfriend every day S(简化名词从句) is V too much for me C.

名词从句简化为 Ving 的形态,而主语不能省略时,大多可用所有格来处理主语的部分。

# 3. 加介系词来处理


  • I S am V worried C that my son lies all the time 名词从句. (我很发愁我儿子老说谎。)

在简化前,首先要了解这个名词从句扮演的角色。在 S+V+C 的句型后面,本来并没有名词存在的空间,所以上述的句型要这样诠释:

  • I S am V worried C about the fact that my son lies all the time 同位语(名词从句).

这句的名词从句 that my son lies all the time 是 the fact 的同位语(即形容词从句 which is that… 的补语,其中 which is 经简化而省略)。这个名词从句简化后即可置入与它重复的 the fact 的位置。因主语 my son 与主要从句主语 I 不同,故可用所有格来处理,成为:

  1. I S am V worried C about 介系词 my son's lying all the time O(简化名词从句).

也可以将主语 my son 置于 about 后面的宾语位置,lying all the time 作宾语补语:

  1. I S am V worried C about 介系词 my son O lying all the time C.

句 1 和句 2 这两种处理方式在语法上都正确。在意思上又以句 1 更接近原意。因为在原句中,说话的人所担心的是一件事情(that my son lies all the time),简化为 my son's lying all the time 仍是一件事情,比较接近。但改成句 2 时,担心的对象变成了人(my son),事情(lying all the time)则降格成了修饰语,所以意思和原句稍有出入。

# 五、如何处理被动态

被动态中若省略主语和 be 动词,剩下的补语 Ven 是形容词类,无法取代原来的名词从句,所以必须进一步修改。例如:

  • That anyone is called a liar S(名词从句) is V the greatest insult C. (任何人被叫作骗子都是最大的侮辱。)

这个名词从句的主语 anyone 没有特定的对象,是空泛的字眼,可省略。再省略 be 动词和连接词 that,本来算是完成了简化,可是:

  • Called a liar S is V the greatest insult C. (误)

剩下的补语 called a liar 是形容词类,不能取代原来的名词从句作主语。如果将 called 改成 calling,虽然变成了名词类,但是被动的意味消失了:called a liar 是“打电话给一个骗子”。所以,为了维持被动态,called a liar 不能更动,只能借用前面的 be 动词来作词类变化,成为 being called a liar。be 动词本身没有意义,把它加上 -ing 纯粹只有词类变化的功能,并不改变句意,因而成为:

  • Being called a liar S(简化名词从句) is V the greatest insult C. (任何人被叫作骗子都是最大的侮辱。)


  1. I am looking forward to something .

  2. I am invited to the party .

例 2 就是例 1 中 something 的内容,可以简化后放人 something 的位置。但是例 2 是被动态,如果直接省略主语与 be 动词,会成为:

  • I am looking forward to invited 形容词 to the party. (误)

过去分词补语 invited… 是形容词,不能直接放在介系词 to 的后面。若直接将 invited 的词类改变,就这个例子而言意思也维持不变:

  • I am looking forward to the invitation 名词 to the party. (我盼望着受邀去参加舞会。)

如果按照前面的做法,加上 being 来改变 invited 的词类当然也可以:

  • I am looking forward to the being invited to the party 简化名词从句.

名词从句简化成 Ving 的形式,如果是被动态时,以 being Ven 的形式就可以表示,并仍以名词的形式保留下来。

# 六、动词是单纯的 be 动词

若名词从句中是 be 动词,后面接一般的名词或形容词作补语,则须加上 -ing 成为 being:

  • That one is a teacher S(名词从句) requires V a lot of patience O. (做老师的人就得很有耐心。)

名词从句中是单纯的 be 动词,后面接 a teacher 作补语。简化时改成 being… 才能保持“做”老师的味道:

  • Being a teacher 简化名词从句 requires a lot of patience.

若省略 be 动词,成为:

  • A teacher requires a lot of patience.


  • That he was busy S(名词从句) is V no excuse C for the negligence. (“他很忙”并不能构成疏忽的借口。)

这个名词从句是单纯的 be 动词后接形容词 busy 作补语。简化时也不能径行省略 be 动词,否则会剩下形容词 busy,无法充当主语。正确的做法仍是改成 -ing:

  • Being busy 简化名词从句 is no excuse for the negligence.

# 简化后剩下的补语是 to V 形态时

名词从句简化,若其中有语气助动词,含有不确定语气,就会成为不定词(to V)。如:

  • The children S expect V that they can get presents for Christmas O(名词从句). (孩子们期望圣诞节能得到礼物。)

这个名词从句中有助动词,表示不确定语气(还不一定拿得到)。简化时可以先把助动词改写为 be+to(所有的语气助动词都可如此改写以便简化),成为:

  • The children expect that they are to get presents for Christmas 名词从句.

如此一来,名词从句中有了 be 动词,就可以把 that they are 这三个没有内容的部分简化,成为不定词的形态:

  • The children expect to get presents for Christmas O(简化名词从句).

不定词即“不一定是什么词类”,可当名词、形容词、副词,所以不必顾虑词类是否符合的问题。唯一要注意的是,不定词不适合放在介系词后面,这时要改为 Ving 的形式。再看一个例子:

  • I S think V it O strange C that man should fear ghosts 名词从句. (我觉得人竟然怕鬼是很奇怪的事。)

上面的名词从句是当作 think 的宾语使用。不过这个宾语从句后面还有宾语补语 strange,照写的话会产生断句的问题,所以用 it 这个虚字(expletive)暂代一下宾语位置,而把真正的宾语从句移到补语后面。

这个名词从句的主语是 man,可以指任何人,所以是空泛的字眼,可以省略。助动词 should 就可简化为不定词,成为:

  • I think it strange to fear ghosts 简化名词从句.

# 一、主语不适合省略时

名词从句的主语如果和主要从句不重复,又不是空泛的字眼,省略时往往会改变句意。这时就要想办法改变这个主语,将它保留。在有些句型中可以把主语放入宾语位置,变成 S+V+O+C 的句型,例如:

  • I S want V that you should go O(名词从句). (我希望你去。)

名词从句的主语是 you,有特定的对象,又和主要从句不重复,因而不适合省略。此时先将 should 改写为 be+to,成为:

  • I S want V that you are to go O. (我希望你去。)

然后省去 be 动词,主语的 you 放入宾语位置,主语补语 to go 就成了宾语补语,成为:

  • I S want V you O to go O.


  • That the Clippers should beat the Lakers S(名词从句) was V quite a marvelous feat C. (快船队竟然击败湖人队,真是相当了不起的。)

名词从句的主语 the Clippers 不能省,又没有别处可安插,就可加介系词 for,简化为:

  • For the Clippers to beat the Lakers 简化名词从句 was quite a marvelous feat.

# 二、代表疑问句的名词从句简化

名词从句有两种。一种是由直述句外加连接词 that 而形成。这种名词从句简化时,无意义的 that 要省略。另一种是由疑问句改造,通常以疑问词来充当连接词。例如:

  1. What should I do?

  2. I S don't know V the question O.

例 1 就是例 2 中 the question 的内容,可直接用疑问词 what 当连接词来取代,成为:

  • I S don't know V what I should do O(名词从句). (我不知如何是好。)

这个名词从句省去主语 I,助动词改为不定词,成为:

  • I S don't know V what to do O(简化名词从句).

唯一不同之处在于:疑问句 what 是有意义的字,应该保留。语法书说 where to V、how to V、when to V 等是名词短语,其实这些都是由疑问词引导的名词从句简化而成。

如果是 Yes/No question,没有疑问词,要制造名词从句时就得添加 whether,例如:

  1. Should I vote for Mary?

  2. I can't decide the question.

例 1 就是例 2 中的 the question。不过例 1 是疑问句,又没有疑问词,要置入例 2 中,先要加上 whether,成为:

  • I S can’t decide V whether I should vote for Mary (or not) O(名词从句). (我无法决定要不要投票给玛丽。)

whether 是由连接词 either…or 变造而成。在这个名词从句中,主语 I 与主要从句主语相同,可以省略。助动词改写成不定词 to V 之后,即简化成:

  • I can't decide whether to vote for Mary 简化名词从句.

# to V 与 Ving 的比较


  • He S forgot V that he should see his dentist that day O(名词从句). (他忘了他那天应该去看牙医的。)

这个名词从句中的动词 Should see 是“应该看”,属于不确定语气,表示“该去但还没去”。这种语气和不定词完全相同,而且助动词简化就成为不定词,所以可写成:

  • He forgot to see his dentist that day 简化名词从句.


  • He S forgot V that he saw the man before O(名词从句). (他忘了以前见过这个人。)

这是真的见过,是确定的语气,所以没有助动词,只是单纯的动词 saw。这个名词从句简化时,因为没有助动词,也没有 be 动词,就只能加 -ing,成为:

  • He forgot seeing the man before 简化名词从句.


  • I S love V driving on the freeway O(简化名词从句). (我喜欢在高速公路上开车。)

这句并没有“想去”开或“将去”开的意思,只是把“在高速公路上开车”当做一件事,故没有不确定语气。名词从句可还原为 that I drive on the freeway 或 that I am driving on the freeway,都可简化成 driving on the freeway。下面这个例句则又不同:

  1. I S would love V to drive to work in my own car O(简化名词从句). (我很想能够开自己的车去上班。)

这个句子有强烈的“希望能够”的暗示,但目前还不行。这就有不确定语气,牵涉到助动词 can。名词从句可还原成下句中的形状:

  1. I S would love V that I can drive to work in my own car O(名词从句).

如果判断出名词从句中有不确定语气,或者能看出原来应有助动词,那么就会简化为不定词的形状(如例 1)。请看以下这个例子:

  • I S avoid V being late to any appointment O(简化名词从句). (任何约会我都避免迟到。)


  • I S avoid V that I am late to any appointment O(名词从句).


  • I S hope V to get to the concert on time O(简化名词从句). (我希望能赶上这场音乐会。)

赶不赶得上并不确定,但是有浓厚的“希望能够”的语气,就会牵涉到助动词 can 了:

  • I S hope V that I can get to the concert on time O(名词从句).

若名词从句中有助动词,自然会简化为不定词。语法书论及 to V 和 Ving 出现于动词后面的宾语位置的选择时,会列出几份动词表,要求读者背哪些动词后面该用哪一个,以及意思是否相同。这种死背方式不值得推荐。了解简化从句之后,读者便可发现这个区分是顺理成章,不必死背。

# 结语

本章到目前为止已讨论过形容词从句与名词从句的简化,下一章将探讨副词从句的简化,就可将所有“从属从句简化”介绍完毕。若读者能透彻了解这几章的内容,对读、写都会有极大的帮助,TIME 的复杂句型也不再会难倒你了。

# Test

# 练习一

# 将下列各句中的名词从句(即画底线部分)改写为简化从句:

1. That he sends flowers to his girlfriend every day is the only way he can think of to gain her favor.
Show Answer
2. That the legislator was involved in the fraud is rather obvious.
Show Answer
3. The student denied that he had cheated in the exam.
Show Answer
4. The researcher is certain that he has found a solution.
Show Answer
5. The residents were not aware that they were being exposed to radiation.
Show Answer
6. I consider that this is a most unfortunate incident.
Show Answer
7. That John comes to school late every day cannot go on much longer.
Show Answer
8. That he was named the new CEO came as a surprise to everybody.
Show Answer
9. I would like that you can look after the kids for me this evening.
Show Answer
10. It is a privilege that one can live in these monumental times.
Show Answer

# 练习二

# 请选出最适当的答案填入空格内,以使句子完整。

1. Don't worry; I'll show you __.
that you should do
what to do
what to do it
that to do
Show Answer
2. Ministers are used to __ with respect.
being treated
Show Answer
3. __ is one thing I cannot stand.
Being lied
Being lied to
To being lied
To be lied
Show Answer
4. The boy is worried __.
that will fail in the exam
about failing in the exam
failing in the exam
about being failed in the exam
Show Answer
5. You mustn't forget __ before you leave for London.
to give me a call
giving me a call
give me a call
given me a call
Show Answer
6. They intend __ this coming Christmas.
to get married
getting married
get married
got married
Show Answer
7. To say you don't remember is __ you didn't pay any attention at the time.
to say
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8. The decision to emigrate does not necessarily mean __ in the country.
cutting off all ties
that cuts off all ties
that ties cut off
cut off all ties
Show Answer
9. You can count on __ the election even before all the results are in.
to win
that you will win
Show Answer
10. I never expected __ in this mess.
to be involved
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